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Artist Stephanie Love spent most of her earliest years in Empire, Michigan, and attended Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, before graduating from the Penny Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan, with a Bachelor of Arts, Honors magna cum laude.


Perpetually interested in the therapeutic effects of creating art, Love focuses on painting itself. She builds each image in layers by color, whether just a simple sketch, or a massive, many month project. “All of my pieces are ultimately made for myself, for the process,” Love notes. She works with a multitude of materials to create her contemporary, expressionist works, from watercolor to illustration, to mixed media with acrylic.


Since her graduation from college and relocation to New Mexico’s high desert climate, Love has been commissioned as a mural artist, worked as a gallery curator, was Editor of Canyon Road Magazine, and has written arts reviews and features for Santa Fean magazine. Love's paintings have previously been featured in shows at Metallo Gallery in Madrid, New Mexico, as well as Santa Fe's former Eggman and Walrus Gallery and Sierra Arts Studio.

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